A Tutorial Blog By Aina.
Walkie Talkie

Disable Open Page Source Sunday, 1 January 2012, 00:58, Add comment (0)

Disable Open Page Source? Apa tu? Maksudnyaa ialah orang lain tak boleh tengok page source awok la. Dia telah disabled kan. So, better korang guna Disable Open Page Source ni dekat blog yang tak ada Tutorials or Freebies ok? :>

1. Awak Ctrl+F and search <head>

2. Then awak copy and paste code kat bawah ni di bawah code <head> tadi.
<body oncontextmenu='return false;' onkeydown='return false;' onselectstart="return false"><script type="text/javascript">
3. After that you boleh preview dulu to make sure dia berfungsi. After dah satisfied gila, awok boleh save.
